About Trans Hex

Trans Hex is a JSE-listed diamond mining company with more than 50 years’ experience in producing gem-quality diamonds for the local and international market.

Through its well-established land operations in South Africa and interests in Angola, the Company is engaged directly, and through joint-ventures, in the exploration, mining and marketing of the highest quality diamonds from land and marine alluvial deposits.

Company Profile

Trans Hex has been engaged in the exploration, mining and marketing of diamonds for more than 50 years.

Mining operations are presently focused in South Africa and Angola. The Company is renowned for consistently producing the highest quality diamonds available in the South African market. Rough production is sold into the open market, to the South African State Diamond Trader, to Trans Hex’s joint-venture beneficiation BEE polishing factory based in Johannesburg and to Sodiam, the Angolan state-run marketing company.

Trans Hex seeks to identify and acquire diamond assets, either as a full or partial shareholder. The Company’s business model is to locate, mine and process diamond deposits and to sell diamonds at an acceptable margin, in the process bringing its considerable in-house expertise to bear.

The Group is actively evaluating potential new diamond properties and pursuing opportunities to expand its diamond-marketing activities.

Company History

Trans Hex was established in 1965 by a number of entrepreneurial investors who wanted to explore a diamond-mining concession in the Namaqualand region of the Northern Cape. The Company was subsequently appointed as a contractor to the then Small Business Development Corporation of South Africa to prospect for diamonds on the State-owned Komaggas farm, which it went on to mine profitably for more than 20 years.

In the ensuing decades, Trans Hex’s assets and expertise grew rapidly through the acquisition of numerous diamond-mining companies in Southern Africa and further afield.

The Company was listed on the JSE Limited in 1981.

In 2010, the Company acquired a 33% stake in the Luana project (Somiluana Mine) in Angola.

In 2012, Trans Hex partnered with investors to form a new joint-venture company, West Coast Resources (Pty) Ltd (previously known as Emerald Panther Investments 78 [Pty] Ltd), which finalised its acquisition of Namaqualand Mines from De Beers in 2014. Mining operations commenced in 2015.

Vision, Mission and Values

We aspire to enhance our position as a world-class player in the exploration, mining and marketing of diamonds of the highest quality.


  • Attract investors by maintaining a track record of positive growth and acceptable returns
  • Grow our diamond reserves to more than 20 years through aggressive exploration and the pursuit of new business opportunities
  • Upgrade productivity through ongoing research and development and the continual implementation of new technologies
  • Manage all activities professionally and to the highest possible standards
  • Enhance the quality of life in those communities in which we operate
  • Play an active role in the personal growth of each employee so as to attract and retain only the best
  • Empower those who work for us with the knowledge and resources to act responsibly in accordance with the shared values of all stakeholders
  • Foster close relationships with regulators and all levels of government and statutory bodies, for the benefit of all stakeholders
  • Values

  • Honesty and integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Respect
  • Humanity
  • Communication
  • Trust
  • High performance
  • Company Details

    Trans Hex Group Limited
    Sidvale Street
    Parow 7500
    PO Box 723, Parow 7499
    Cape Town

    Contact us
    Head Office Switchboard: +27 21 937 2000
    Head Office Fax: +27 21 937 2100
    Head Office E-mail: info@transhex.co.za

    Company Secretary
    Statucor (Pty) Ltd
    Tel: +27 21 460 6300

    One Capital Sponsor Services (Pty) Ltd

    Tel: +27 11 550 5000

    Transfer Secretaries
    Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd

    Tel: +27 11 370 5000


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