About Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS)

The Scheme exists to care for our members’ health and wellness by engaging the brightest minds and innovative solutions to provide access to affordable, equitable and quality, value-based healthcare that meets their needs now and sustainably into the future.

Who We Are

Discovery Health Medical Scheme (the Scheme or DHMS) is a registered open medical scheme which any member of the public can join, subject to its Rules.

The Scheme’s purpose is to care for our members’ health and wellness by engaging the brightest minds and innovative solutions to provide access to affordable, equitable and quality, value-based healthcare that meets their needs now and sustainably into the future.

Covering 2 819 139 beneficiaries at 31 December 2018, DHMS is the largest open medical scheme in South Africa with an open medical scheme market share of 56.6% [1]

DHMS is a non-profit entity governed by the Medical Schemes Act[2] (the Act) and regulated by the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS). The Scheme belongs to its members and an independent Board of Trustees (the Board or the Trustees) oversees its activities.

[1] Based on beneficiaries, according to the Council for Medical Schemes Quarterly Reports for the Period ending 30 September 2018 (www.medicalschemes.com/Publications.aspx).
[2] Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998, as amended.

The Scheme outsources its administration and managed care functions through a formal contractual arrangement with Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd.

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